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Human Insights
International qualitative research

Business is pragmatic, agencies are creative, but customers are emotional, and their decisions are driven by how they feel 

This discrepancy, all too frequently, leads to poor business decisions and ineffective communication

Together with my colleagues and partners in Ukraine and throughout the world, I create opportunities for businesses to get closer to their customers and feel them deeper, so to make more effective marketing decisions

As a qualitative researcher, who've spent 27 years studying people & brands in 20 countries, I help companies find authentic customer insights by delving deep into how people feel about life, other people, specific companies, products, brands, concepts, designs, innovations...


Lack understanding of the target customers' perception & behavior in the market, in the category, regarding brands?

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Working on the product or brand positioning, naming, packaging or communication concepts?


Analysing the results of the marketing efforts, wonder how your brand & the particular elements of the marketing mix work?


Explorative research

Lack understanding of the target customers' perception & behavior in the market, in the category, regarding brands?


We immerse in this unknown world and explore the culture, customs, lifestyle, behavior, needs, habits, perception and attitudes of people

Gradually, you begin to understand and feel the previously unknown customer world better and better, see real business opportunities and make proper decisions

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Generative research

Work on the product or brand positioning; naming, packaging or communication concepts?

We involve your target customers in the process from the start to ensure that you are moving in the right direction, saving you time, efforts and money

We do not ask people to do your job, which they are clearly incapable of doing. Instead, we look into experience, aims and ambitions, pains and dreams of people, in order to feel them deeper and create more relevant solutions


Evaluative research

Analyse the results of the marketing efforts, wonder how your brand and particular elements of the marketing mix work?

We investigate how your marketing activities affect people's behavior, purchase decisions, perceptions of your product and brand image

We hear appreciation and criticism, we see joy, indifference, and annoyance. We uncover reasons, correct mistakes, and move forward with a deeper understanding and feeling people we work for

I am a big fan of live conversations and believe that it is impossible to deeply feel people through a computer monitor or a smartphone screen


That is why I primarily do focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnographic research offline and travel to fieldwork places to immerse myself in people's everyday lives

I am convinced that no technology can bring out what a researcher can feel by being around people, watching them, just sitting next to them and talking...

Need a better sense of your target customers? Let me observe and talk to them personally!

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'Oksana's exceptional attention to detail and broad expertise enable her to identify marketing insights that help save money and effort and develop the brand immediately in the right direction'

Tetyana Siverchuk, Marketing Director LLC 'Eco-snack', brand Bob Snail

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