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  • Writer's pictureOksana Pleskova

Humanity in qualitative research

Ukrainians are now more united than ever before. At the same time, we are so different! We are united by a terrible tragedy and a big goal. However, each of us lives in his own small universe, which is vastly different from the little worlds of others around.

We live among people who have various worldviews and priorities. We look at the same things, but see them in quite different ways. We listen to the same individuals, yet we hear quite different things.

All Ukrainians were wounded in some way by the war. And these wounds will not heal soon. We are vulnerable and out of balance. We are now, more than ever, easily moved to tears, offended, and irritated...

I frequently reflect on how much more responsible the work of a moderator in qualitative marketing research has become, not only in terms of business but also of humanity... Indeed, our job has always been responsible because people open their souls to us. But now our responsibility increases many times.

Many marketers, researchers, moderators enjoy 'digging deep into people's subconscious', asking tricky questions to get 'deep insights' and using various pseudo psychological techniques.

Dear colleagues, today more than ever, I want to ask you to be more human and empathic.

  • Think about the consequences of questions that before the war seemed completely harmless.

  • When you hear an opinion that you strongly disagree with, stay as neutral as possible, no matter how difficult it may be.

  • Be ready to support, sympathize, hug...

Our (and not only our) work nowadays and in Ukraine of the future is not just about business. This is primarily about people and for people.

Let's take care of each other.


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