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  • Writer's pictureOksana Pleskova

Feel to understand

I really enjoy our conversations with the Master about People and Music.

As you already know, the Master creates high-end audio systems Sound Reality aimed at delivering the most realistic, authentic music sound. He hosts 'auditions on Saturdays,' where he shows clients the sound of his systems, allows to compare them to others, and choose the most comfortable sound.

Auditions are held in the Master's Workshop. He has a client sit in front of the system, selects the relevant musical material and gives the opportunity to listen. It would seem, come and enjoy.

But no! A client comes, sits in a chair, strains (!), and tries his hardest to understand (!) the difference between systems or components. But is it the state to listen to music?

Music has to be felt.

Sit back, relax, and forget all you've read about from bloggers; forget about all the marketing tricks that brands tried to instill in your mind; and allow yourself to feel (!). Rely on your own feelings rather than someone else's theories; make your own decision rather than one that has been artificially formed by someone else. Only in this way you will begin to hear, feel, and enjoy Her Majesty's Music... Only then you will discover the nuances and details. Only then the difference in sound will open up to you. You must first open yourself to the Music, and then the Music will open up to you.

The same may be said about marketing. Marketers are struggling to understand their target customers. To do this, they look at people through the prism of various theories, methodologies, cases...

We get more and more marketing tools, but we understand less and less.

And it's all because in our constant pursuit of tools, we've lost sight of what's really important: our ability to feel People. Just as we lose sight of the ability to feel music in the example of the Master's auditions.

That is why, in qualitative research, I constantly tell my clients: when you come to me to listen to People, leave all your knowledge at the door; do not try to understand anything here and now, because this is impossible with the flow of information that we receive during the fieldwork.

Just try to feel People we are talking to. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Feel what hurts them, what makes them happy, when their eyes light up, when tears tremble in their eyes…

The deeper you feel People, the faster you will begin to understand them, and the sooner you will begin to realize what and how you should do for these People.

Simply feel. And then understanding will not keep you waiting.


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