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Sound Insights
In-depth listening to music

Together with the Master, who creates Sound Reality audio systems, we create opportunities for special enjoyment with music and feeling the positive impact of high-quality sound on physical and mental health

This is achieved by reproducing the most realistic sound of musical instruments and voices, as well as the special musical content selection

You feel like you've been transported to a recording studio or a concert hall where the musicians are performing only for you

What in-depth listening to music is?

In-depth listening to music is a full immersion into the musical composition so to hear and feel it as profoundly as possible. You sit down in a chair, close your eyes, and completely surrender to her majesty Music​

In-depth listening to music requires Hi-End (not Hi-Fi) audio system, top-quality CDs and specially prepared facility

In-depth listening to music is effective at one single point, which depends on where the speakers are placed in a particular room. If you move just a little bit to the right or left, the effect will be completely different

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In-depth listening to music is the ability to 'see' with your ears

You are virtually transported to the recording location, where you can hear the beauty, depth of each instrument's sound, and how they are all organically intertwined into a holistic musical canvas

  • Listening to one track, you feel like sitting in a recording studio right in front of the performers;

  • Listening to another track, you find yourself in a restaurant, where a jazz band is performing on a small stage and diners are lightly tapping their forks;

  • After that you find yourself in a music hall and 'see' with your ears how next to the pianist someone stands up fromtime to time and turns over the notes...

Each time, new and new audio pictures appear in front of you, which you "see" with your ears, and which you want to look deeper and deeper into

How can we benefit from the in-depth listening to music?

In-depth listening not only allows to enjoy music more, but also helps to improve the physical and emotional state

  • You allow yourself to escape from reality for a while, relax, and give the music an opportunity to work as effectively as it can

  • Nothing distracts you, you are completely focused on the sounds that captivate, fascinate and heal you

  • Our guests acknowledge that deep music listening brings a sense of relaxation and calming down; it aids in getting rid of brain overload, organizing one's thoughts, and having a clear mind


How to try in-depth listening to music?


Welcome to the Introductory Meeting in the Sound Insight Home

Sound Insight Home is a special acoustic space in Kyiv with the exclusive Sound Reality audio system and a large selection of music of different genres on branded and remastered CDs


We start our musical journey from the far point. You sit comfortably on a sofa and feel like in the concert hall with the great acoustics

After several tracks you move to a chair closer to the audio system. Now you feel like if the concert hall became empty, you moved to the first raw of the stalls, and one of the most talanted bands in the world plays for you only

Then you move to the closest point to the audiosystem, where you feel like somebody gave you a chair and allowed to sit right in front of the musicians in the recording studio. Here you feel yourself a part of the process of creation. This is the most intimate moment of enjoying music, so-called 'G-spot'...


Curious to try? Just send us a message to book date and time

How to enjoy in-depth listening to music regularly?

Book the sessions of in-depth listening to music in the Sound Insight Home or order your own Sound Reality audio system

Book the sessions of deep listening to music in Sound Insight Home

Wish to escape from the crazy race of modern life and immerse into the world of sound from time to time? Book the sessions of in-depth listening to music in our Sound Insight Home 

The sessions of the in-depth listening to music in the Sound Insight Home are created for those who appreciate spending quality time

These are the individual sessions for one person that last around 3 hours:

  • First, we offer you some tea and give time to 'switch off';

  • Then you sit down in a chair, close your eyes and savor the lively and rich sound of musical instruments and voices; 

  • You virtually travel through time and space, visit different eras and countries, meet super talanted musicians and enjoy their skills; 

  • Afterwards, you open your eyes and feel so good that you want to prolong pleasure. So, you take your time and slowly sip your herbal tea, which harmoniously complements the aftertaste of your musical journey.


You are harmonized, you feel good.


Choose a program for your next session of in-depth music listening and send us a message to book a date and time. 


Order your own Sound Reality audio system

Stationary audiosystem

Want to enjoy realistic sound anytime in a familiar atmosphere? 


The Master will offer you to build either a full-fledged audio system for a large spacious room, or a compact one that can be placed on a table or on a shelf

Portable audiosystem

Like listening to music independently on others and not being attached to one place?

Then we will offer you personal portable audio system, consisting of the full-size headphones, DAC and headphone cables


Send us a message to arrange a meeting with the Master and audition

"I create solutions that make it possible to get more pleasure and benefit from listening to music" (Master)

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